
Argentum Productions is full-service video production company based in Ottawa that strives to engage with the world through digital media. We specialize in videography and care deeply about the content we produce. Our clients are organizations and individuals whose vision and mandate we can get behind. We provide a full gamut of production services including concept development, storyboarding, research and casting, videography, sound recording and mixing, editing, graphics and effects, subtitling, voiceovers, colour correction and formatting for various media.

Gillian Kirkland, producer and editor

Gillian is skilled producer and editor who thrives on projects with meaningful social impact including around issues of equity, diversity and inclusion, social responsibility, artistic or educational initiatives and environmental protection. Gillian’s approach is highly collaborative and integrative. She works closely with clients on concept development and ensures that their objectives are manifest in the final edit.

Joseph Wenkoff, VFX and colourist

Joe is an award winning video artist whose vast experience in visual effects and colour correction spans geographies and milieus, having worked as a senior flame artist and colourist in NYC, Toronto and San Francisco. Joe has also documented humanitarian issues in over 40 countries, while working for the United Nations, Getty Images and numerous publications.

Andrew Letourneau, audio engineer

Andrew is an audio engineer and all-round renaissance man with an appetite for new discoveries and adventures. At Argentum he works as lead audio engineer and sound specialist. He has extensive experience in a broad variety of recording situations both in the National Capital Region and internationally, including high-profile musical performances, feild recording and live-to-broadcast international events.

Julien Maisonneuve, drone pilot

Julien is a licenced drone pilot specializing in landscape photography, videography and 3D mapping. At Argentum he is responsible for arial video capture and eye-level moving shots.